The Grand Luxxe Club

Luxury Resorts in Mexico


Terms & Conditions

By using services provided by “” website, you agree to follow all legal rules and policies. This website is meant to provide vacationing to clients, based on the products presented. The team of this website will reserve rooms during requested weeks at requested resorts, based on availability. The rooms are exclusively reserved for and are to be utilized by the client and his/her guests only. Reservation information is exchanged for payment, and the client is responsible for all preparations and transportation to and from the resorts. The website team may be available for assistance through telecommunications for advice and service. This website and its associates are not responsible for transportation, experiences, damages or any extra charges incurred at destinations. The client and guests agrees to follow all rules and policies for guests at their respective resorts. All information is presented to the best of the team’s knowledge and does not make guarantees outside of written agreement. There will be a full refund for services paid for but not provided. The team of this website reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.


Privacy Policy

All information is assumed to be private, and it will never be disclosed to a third party without your consent. Only information about visiting, viewing and interacting with the “” website is tracked. Data is stored to run the website properly and acquire analytics.

Personal information is shared only to Vidanta after booking in order to secure reservation and to provide guest services henceforth.